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I am the Director of Brand and Experience at Deliveroo in London following eight years at Booking.com in Amsterdam.

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I graduated from John Moores University with a degree in Japanese & International Business, and from the International School of Seinan Gakuin University in Fukuoka. During & following my studies I worked as a freelance designer for clients all over the world, focussing on designing & building simple, enjoyable websites - a trade I have now plied for some 18 years.

I am interested in the business of design, and building design teams — two things I have been lucky enough to work on throughout my career. Occasionally, I am given the opportunity to speak at conferences about this stuff, recordings of which you can find filed under Presenting’.

You can find me in these other places on the internet:

This Website

This website is powered by blot — a simple file-based content management system which I heartily recommend to anyone who wants to create a straightforward website. I use a heavily modified version of Serif, one of the many templates blot provides.

I also use fathom for web analytics, mostly just so I can find out which other websites are linking to this one.

This is a perpetual work in progress and playground for messing about with HTML and CSS and trying to recapture some of that pre-social media joy of owning your own piece of the internet. As such, stuff is likely a little bit broken at all times, but at least it is broken because I broke it myself.

Just like in The Good Old Days, new stuff posted on this site is available in an RSS feed, there’s a free imaginary high-five for all subscribers.

Stuart Frisby, 2015-top Mastodon