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Twitter & Instagram Integrations for Blot

One of the real benefits of using a dropbox folder as a publishing point for blog posts is that there are countless ways of placing stuff into that folder and having it published without need for explicit action. In playing around here and seeing what is possible I just created a couple of ifttt recipes to post tweets and photos automagically.

Tweet → Dropbox → Blot

The first one will create a text file for every tweet, using the text of the tweet as a unique file name, and the tweet itself as the content. It also prepends a tag to the post so it can be filtered out and handled in specific ways through templating later on.

IFTTT Recipe: Tweet → Dropbox connects twitter to dropboxIFTTT Recipe: Tweet → Dropbox connects twitter to dropbox

Instagram → Dropbox → Blot

The second recipe is an adaptation of one I’ve used for a couple of years to store instagram photos in Dropbox for the sakes of having a copy of the photo for myself. I just changed the destination folder of this recipe and that was that. I don’t have so much control in this recipe as the previous one, since it isn’t created a document, but just placing a file - so no tagging or additional metadata is being included.

IFTTT Recipe: Instagram → Dropbox connects instagram to dropboxIFTTT Recipe: Instagram → Dropbox connects instagram to dropbox

Published on 26 July 2015

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Stuart Frisby, 2015-top Mastodon