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Farewell Booking.com

As I mentioned elsewhere earlier this week, after a mammoth eight year stint, I have waved a fond farewell to Booking.com. I am looking forward to seeing what comes next and exploring all of the ways in which the world of design and design leadership has changed since those heady days of 2011.

I’m going to miss working with the excellent team I assembled there, and the 250+ community of designers.

For now, I’m going to take a little time to consider my next steps, spend some more quality time at home with my family, and take a quick trip to New York to present at Leading Design later this month where I’ll be reflecting on what I learnt heading up a huge design discipline.

Published on 8 June 2019 – WorkBooking

Next: Two Months With the Leica Q2 - Photos.mrfrisby.com
Previously: Muji Hut 無印良品
Stuart Frisby, 2015-top Mastodon